SRE as a Service: Transforming DevOps from Build to Run

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What You'll Learn...
DevOps is all about constant collaboration and iterative improvement, so it’s no surprise that DevOps itself is evolving over time. Until recently, DevOps has often focused on building, testing, and releasing software faster and more reliably. But what happens after that software is deployed?
The next challenge for DevOps to embrace is expanding from helping organizations build, to helping them run. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), the practice of optimizing software development for reliability, is one of the fastest-growing ways for organizations to do just that. And Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are critical to tracking reliability goals and managing the tradeoff between feature delivery and technical debt.
In this webinar, Thad West, CEO of Isos Technology, discusses the evolution of DevOps with SRE and SLO experts and shows how DevOps can help organizations deliver an exceptional customer experience. You’ll learn about:
- The evolution of DevOps roles and responsibilities within an organization
- Key performance metrics for Site Reliability Engineering
- SLO quality gates, or how to stop bad code from getting into production
- Why both “shift left” and “shift right” approaches to DevOps are important
Our expert panel will also touch on how Nobl9’s SLO platform and Dynatrace’s cloud intelligence platform integrate with Atlassian tools to align DevOps teams and business stakeholders, and help organizations build AND run smarter.
Niall Murphy
SRE Author, Consultant

Ian Bartholomew
Lead SRE, Nobl9
Ian Bartholomew is obsessed with quality and has over 15 years of experience in the industry. Whether it be cooking up a perfect pupusa or ensuring the delivery of cloud services with the perfect balance of reliability and fresh features all at the optimal cost, Ian has contributed to the pursuit of reliability. A true pioneer in the emergence of site reliability engineering playing key roles at companies like Google, Nike, Disney, Hulu, and others. Ian holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute where he first developed that keen eye for quality. Ian is a founding member of the Open SLO open-source initiative and is a key member of the SRE team at Nobl9.

Henrik Rexed
Cloud Native Advocate, Dynatrace
Henrik is a Cloud Native Advocate at Dynatrace, the leading Observability platform. Prior to Dynatrace, Henrik has worked as a Partner Solution Evangelist at Neotys, delivering webinars and building prototypes to enhance the capability of NeoLoad. He has been working in the performance world for more than 15 years, delivering projects in all contexts including extremely large Cloud testing on the most demanding business areas such as trading applications, Video on Demand, sports websites, etc. Henrik is also one of the organizers of the Performance Advisory Council.

Thad West
CEO, Isos Technology

CEO, Isos Technology